We invest in a portfolio of global small and mid cap international companies.
Taking a bottom-up approach to investing we undertake deep fundamental research of both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of investee companies.
Our strategy is benchmark unaware because we believe this unconstrained approach allows maximum flexibility to pursue attractive risk-adjusted investments.
Our intention is to hold high-quality businesses that generate attractive returns on capital employed through a full market cycle, with low levels of debt, managed by highly competent and aligned executive teams.
We aim to achieve annualised returns, in excess of the MSCI World SMID Index (after all fees and expenses) measured over a market cycle, which we consider to be seven years.
Number of Stocks
Market Capitalisation
US$500m – $40bn
Long-only quality
Benchmark +3% (estimated 8–12% p.a. through the cycle)
Responsible Entity
The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited part of the Perpetual Group
Apex Fund Services
Ernst & Young
Fairlight’s investment strategy is executed with an ethical mindset.
We use hard exclusion screens to eliminate harmful industries, such as tobacco, armaments, gambling, alcohol and mining.
Each of the companies we research is also scored across a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics. These generate a cost of capital charge that is an input into a company’s valuation. Companies with relatively poor ESG practices incur a larger discount rate than those that are best practice.
We practice active ownership by engaging with companies on ESG issues (including disclosure) and voting our proxy rights.
Stock Profiles
We search the globe for quality companies that have the potential to sustain high returns on invested capital for decades – seemingly impervious to competitive threats whilst growing earnings at an impressive clip. IDEXX has built a formidable competitive position in the companion animal testing market, resulting in startling economics.
Annual Reviews
The Fund underperformed its benchmark during 2024, delivering investors a 13% return, 7 percentage points less than the MSCI World SMID Index. Since inception in 2018 the Fund has now delivered investors a 13% p.a. return and 3% p.a. outperformance which is in line with Fairlight’s long-term objective.