An mFund product (mFund) is an unlisted managed fund admitted for settlement under the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Operating Rules. It is available to investors through the mFund Settlement Service.
The ASX rule framework supports the mFund Settlement Service by ensuring all parties, including stockbrokers, product issuers, and unit registrars, are accountable for their roles and responsibilities.
The mFund Settlement Service enables you to buy and sell units in the Fairlight Global Small and Mid Cap Fund.
You can easily ‘buy’ (apply for) and ‘sell’ (redeem) units in the unlisted managed fund via a participating broker. Transactions are settled using CHESS, ASX’s world-class electronic settlement system.
Your holdings in the fund are held electronically and can be linked to the same Holder Identification Number (HIN) used to hold other investments transacted through ASX.
This means you can track your investments in the fund using the same systems you use for shares and other securities.
Key benefits include:
Follow these five steps:
By using CHESS, the ASX’s electronic settlement system, orders for units are sent electronically. This enables the progress of orders to be monitored.
At settlement, your unit balances will be recorded on your HIN alongside your other investments. Thereby, providing greater transparency over your holdings.